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How our students rated their experience in Malta
Overall attractiveness of Malta
2127 authentic ratings from students who reserved a course with us in MaltaKey facts about English
Origin of English: English as a language first appeared in early medieval times, in England. It is a West Germanic language that has gotten its name from the Germanic tribe called Angles that inhabited the area. During the 1400 years English has been spoken it has changed dramatically, and the present day English has far less Germanic characteristics than the Old English spoken during medieval times.
Regional differences: Accents vary greatly between different locations, and the use of local jargon and grammatical structures is frequent. This makes some dialects unique and difficult to understand for speakers from other countries or regions.
Language family: Indo-European
Native speakers: 360–400 million worldwide:
United States of America (at least 231 million),
United Kingdom (60 million),
Canada (19 million),
Australia (at least 17 million),
South Africa (4.8 million),
Ireland (4.2 million),
New Zealand (3.7 million).
Major dialects: American English,
British English,
Canadian English,
Australian English,
Indian English.