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287 authentic ratings from students who reserved a course with us in GreeceKey facts about Greek
Origin of Greek: Written records of the Greek languages date back 3000 years in time, making it the oldest surviving Indo-European language. It is a language of great importance in Western culture, not least because it was used for many of the texts on which modern science has been built but also, together with the Latin language, it is fundamental for the understanding of Classical Studies.
Regional differences: Dialects of Modern Greek include: Northern dialects (continental Greece to the Gulf of Corinth) and Southern dialects (Peloponnese peninsula and the Aegean and Ionian islands).
Language family: Indo-European
Native speakers: 13.4 million worldwide
Major dialects: Northern dialects (most of continental Greece down to the Gulf of Corinth),
Southern dialects (Peloponnese peninsula and Aegean and Ionian islands including Crete and Cyprus).