1 language school in Belo Horizonte from 1824US$ for a 1 week Portuguese course
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Key Facts about Belo Horizonte
Population: XL
Elevation: 888 m. above sea level
Time zone: +7h. (GMT -3)
Region: Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte
Currency: BRL (1 BRL = 0.1646 USD)
Cost of Living:
* 100 = prices in New York
- Price index excluding rent: 51* (49% cheaper than New York)
- Price index including rent: 32* (68% cheaper than New York)
- Price index food only:37* (63% cheaper than New York)
- Big Mac price (Brazil average):
25.82 BRL (17% cheaper than in USA)
Mains electricity:
- Residential voltage: 127 V / 220 V
- Frequency: 60 Hz
Didn't find what you are looking for?
Interested in a specific type of course? See our reviews of Portuguese courses & camps for teenager and children in Belo Horizonte or other 11 different Portuguese course types in Belo Horizonte.
Interested in language travel to other cities? Have a look at Portuguese language schools in other cities in Brazil such as Maceio, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Sao Paulo or see our list of all schools in Brazil. You may also want to consult options outside Brazil for learning Portuguese.
Language School Destinations
In Brazil
- Belo Horizonte (1)
- Maceio (1)
- Rio de Janeiro (1)
- Salvador (1)
- Sao Paulo (3)