Price comparison: 1 week One-to-One English course
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More information about Burlington including climate data and events on our Burlington page with a list of all 1 English schools in Burlington.
Reviews by former students who attended a One-to-One course in Burlington
I liked everything
My experience was excellent with the school and I will return in October for an other 2 weeks.
9 March 2017
Course: One-to-One Lessons - 2 weeks
Student age: 51 years
4.6| 10 reviews
ManonEnglish Encounters
FAQ about One-to-One courses in Burlington
- How much is the cheapest One-to-One course in Burlington?699C$ for 1 weeks is the lowest price for an One-to-One course in Burlington.What is the best language school offering One-to-One courses in Burlington?English Encounters has received the best overall rating in Burlington among all language schools offering One-to-One programmes.Which English school offers the best rated teaching for One-to-One courses in Burlington?English Encounters was rated highest for quality of teaching among
schools with One-to-One courses. Unsure which city to choose?Our language travel experts can help you choose the city that suits you best.