Price comparison: 1 week Combi: Group+Indiv Spanish course
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Reviews by former students who attended a Combi: Group+Indiv course in Cordoba
The other students and teachers.
21 March 2011
Course: Immersion (25 group + 6 individual) - 2 weeks
Student age: 29 years
4.2| 20 reviews
a) Opportunity to get into another group, adaptation to the level
b) small groups
Course content and progression could advance faster.
20 September 2010
Course: Combined course (20+5) - 4 weeks
Student age: 30 years
4.3| 3 reviews
the organization, the frienship of all the staffs members and all the school's activities.
i've studied in two different schools. 2 weeks in Cordoba ad 1 week in Ushuaia. the COINED in Ushuaia isn't at the same level like Cordoba. Cordoba is definitly the best.
2 August 2006
Course: Super Intensive (4 h group + 2 h individual) - 2 weeks
Student age: 35 years
4.2| 20 reviews
FAQ about Combi: Group+Indiv courses in Cordoba
- How much is the cheapest Combi: Group+Indiv course in Cordoba?365 US$ for 1 weeks is the lowest price for a Combi: Group+Indiv course in Cordoba.What is the best language school offering Combi: Group+Indiv courses in Cordoba?SET-IDIOMAS has received the best overall rating in Cordoba among all language schools offering Combi: Group+Indiv programmes.Which Spanish school offers the best rated teaching for Combi: Group+Indiv courses in Cordoba?SET-IDIOMAS was rated highest for quality of teaching among
schools with Combi: Group+Indiv courses. Other cities often combined with Spanish courses in Cordoba
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