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All Spanish schools in Granada

51 Spanish classes with culture programme in Granada

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Granada - Spanish & Culture

Price comparison: 1 week Spanish & Culture Spanish course

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Reviews by former students who attended a Spanish & Culture course in Granada


The teachers were excellent and knew how to teach. Not only did they teach grammar, but they opened the doors to the Spanish culture.
God willing, I plan to return next year.

5 February 2024
Course: Super Intensive 30 - 4 weeks
Student age: 68 years


Rating: 3.9

| 22 reviews
Escuela Montalbán

The teacher's teaching style is straightforward to understand. The atmosphere is very nice and makes learning fun.

29 January 2024
Course: Spanish & Cooking - 2 weeks
Student age: 45 years


Rating: 4.5

| 70 reviews
Escuela Montalbán

Teachers, mood at school

1 October 2014
Course: Spanish & Flamenco or Tango - 2 weeks
Student age: 52 years


Rating: 4.5

| 70 reviews

I enrolled in SHM from Australia, having never learned Spanish before, and with little basic knowledge at all. From my first day, the school was not only a wonderful learning institution, but also a tremendous support network for me on all levels. From coming with me to the Office for Foreigners in order to help organise my long term student visa, to assisting me in applying for work, the staff at the school were unfailingly kind, helpful and supportive. In the time I attended I had both private and group classes. I had a great time regardless of whether it was one on one, or with other students – my classes were filled with humour, great conversation, and learning. I always felt I could ask any of the teachers to explain things more fully, and was often aware that the teacher was setting different level exercises for each student in the class, to ensure that all were learning at the appropriate speed. I also noticed that in many cases teachers actively sought innovative and creative ways of teaching. They genuinely sought to engage their students interactively, and teach in novel and interesting ways. I felt the teachers gave their heart and soul to the job and really cared about each student to walk through the door. Our social occasions were wonderful, and the friends I made whilst at the school – both staff and students – will remain friends for life. From the moment of my booking in Australia, I was assisted in everything I needed to apply for my student visa, find a flat, and begin a new life. The school understands the dislocation many people feel on moving to a new country, whether it is for a month or permanently, and are always on hand to help. I can’t recommend SHM more highly, and having spoken to many other people in Granada who have attended other courses, I feel very fortunate that I chose one so well organised, helpful, and financially affordable. No matter where you come from or what you hope to achieve in learning Spanish, SHM will work with you to make sure you make those goals a reality. Thank you all so much for your kindness, friendship, and good times.

13 April 2012
Course: Spanish & Flamenco Dance - 16 weeks
Student age: 38 years


Rating: 4.5

| 41 reviews


10 October 2007
Course: Intensive + - 2 weeks
Student age: 23 years


Rating: 3.9

| 22 reviews

FAQ about Spanish & Culture courses in Granada

  • 171 € for 1 weeks is the lowest price for a Spanish & Culture course in Granada. The average cost of a Spanish & Culture course in Granada is 256 € per week..
  • Escuela Delengua has received the best overall rating in Granada among all language schools offering Spanish & Culture programmes.
  • Escuela Delengua was rated highest for quality of teaching among schools with Spanish & Culture courses.

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