Price comparison: 4 week Cambridge First Certificate Spanish course
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Interested in Cambridge First Certificate courses in other cities?
Havana city attractiveness rated by our students:
More information about Havana including climate data and events on our Havana page with a list of all 5 Spanish schools in Havana.
General facts about First Certificate in English / FCE (Cambridge)
The First Certificate in English / FCE is the most popular test of the 5 Cambridge-Exams, which examine your "General British English". The Cambridge First Exam follows the Key English Test (KET) and Preliminary English Test (PET) and corresponds to the third level.
Examination fees
Fees vary depending on the examination centre.
Examination dates
March 2023: 04, 10
April 2023: 22
May 2023: 13
June 2023: 03, 06, 17
July 2023: 27
August 2023: 24
October 2023: 07
November 2023: 04, 28
December 2023: 09
March 2024: 02, 15
April 2024: 20
May 2024: 18
June 2024: 01, 04, 15
July 2024: 25
August 2024: 22
October 2024: 05
November 2024: 09, 26
December 2024: 14
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