2 language schools in Oslo from 2081€ for a 1 week Norwegian course
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Oslo ratings & opinions
How our students rated their experience in Oslo
Overall attractiveness of Oslo
6 authentic ratings from students who reserved a course with us in OsloNightlife
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Most recent student reviews of language schools in Oslo
The first teacher I had, Therese, was not a very good teacher. My second teacher, Petter, was an excellent teacher.
27 May 2015
Course: Standard Programme Intensive - 4 weeks
Student age: 73 years
4.2| 6 reviews
Carmen Diane Study & Live in your Teacher's Home
Information about Oslo
Why Oslo? The oldest of the Scandinavian capital cities, Oslo, embodies the urban elegance of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: wide streets, dignified parks and gardens, solid buildings and long, consciously classical vistas combine to lend it a self-satisfied, respectable air. Oslo's biggest single draw is its museums, which cover a hugely varied and stimulating range of topics. The city is enlivened by a good range of pavement cafés, street entertainers and festivals. In summer, when virtually the whole population lives outdoors, the city is a real delight. It's also worth visiting in winter, when its prime location amid hills and forests makes it a thriving and affordable ski centre.
Key Facts about Oslo
Population: L
Time zone: +11h. (GMT +1)
Region: Oslo, Oslo
Currency: NOK (1 NOK = 0.0885 USD)
Visa: Nationals from USA do not require a visa to study short term Norwegian courses up to 90 days. Check visa requirements for nationals from other countries.
Visa requirements data last updated on 04 Jun 2024 (Source)
For the most up-to-date visa information please consult with the embassy or consulate of Norway in your country.
High season: August
Low season: March
Average course price per week: 2,170 €
Cost of Living:
* 100 = prices in New York
- Price index excluding rent: 93* (7% cheaper than New York)
- Price index including rent: 80* (20% cheaper than New York)
- Price index food only:85* (15% cheaper than New York)
- Big Mac price (Norway average):
70.71 NOK (22% more expensive than in USA)
Mains electricity:
- Residential voltage: 230 V
- Frequency: 50 Hz
Weather in Oslo
Climate Table
Midday Temperature
Night-time Temperature
Hours of Sunshine Temperature
37.4 °F35.6 °F37.4 °F41 °F48.2 °F55.4 °F60.8 °F62.6 °F59 °F51.8 °F44.6 °F41 °FRainfall
50mm40mm60mm40mm50mm80mm70mm90mm70mm90mm70mm50mmWhat to do in Oslo
Oslo Opera House
The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art
Vigeland Park
Bygdoy Peninsula
Aker Brygge
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Language School Destinations
In Norway
- Oslo (2)