1 language school in Welland (Niagara Falls) from 440C$ for a 1 week English course
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Information about Welland (Niagara Falls)
Why Welland (Niagara Falls)? Welland is a city whose main function is a shipping bypass around Niagara Falls. Its harbour area is a combination of old and new, its reconstructed wooden lock and an old lighthouse are found alongside bars, restaurants and ice-cream parlours.
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Interested in language travel to other cities? Have a look at English language schools in other cities in Canada such as Burlington, Calgary, Halifax, Hamilton, Kelowna ...
, Mississauga, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Winnipeg or see our list of all schools in Canada. You may also want to consult options outside Canada for learning English.
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Language School Destinations
In Canada
- Burlington (1)
- Calgary (5)
- Halifax (3)
- Hamilton (1)
- Kelowna (2)
- Mississauga (1)
- Montreal (9)
- Ottawa (1)
- Quebec (1)
- Toronto (36)
- Vancouver (32)
- Victoria (4)
- Welland (Niagara Falls) (1)
- Winnipeg (1)