1 language school in Rabat from 201US$ for a 1 week Arabic course
Rabat ratings & opinions
How our students rated their experience in Rabat
What our students said about Rabat
I love the old town, the sights and the location by the sea. The architecture of the city itself is too modern for me, I think it is rather atypical Moroccan, or I would have liked more original buildings. I thought the size was very good as everything was within walking distance. Wish: A small, original town by the sea!
Most recent student reviews of language schools in Rabat
A caring teacher and the ideal location
30 July 2024
Course: Semi-Intensive Moroccan Arabic - 1 week
Student age: 61 years
The hospitality of the people who work at the school is amazing! I managed to learn more than expected in just 2 weeks.
27 May 2024
Course: Intensive Modern Standard Arabic - 2 weeks
Student age: 24 years
Super support, the driver is great, everyone is super friendly and supportive, the teacher is fantastic, the host family, the room, the food, the hospitality is unbelievably great. I felt totally at ease and learnt a lot. I am really thrilled and can recommend it 100%. A big thank you!!!!
Very very good
30 April 2024
Course: Intensive Modern Standard Arabic - 1 week
Student age: 61 years
Information about Rabat
Key Facts about Rabat
- Price index excluding rent: 42* (58% cheaper than New York)
- Price index including rent: 28* (72% cheaper than New York)
- Price index food only:37* (63% cheaper than New York)
- Residential voltage: 127 V / 220 V
- Frequency: 50 Hz
Weather in Rabat
Arrival airports
Public transportation to city center:
Taxi: 16 minutes drive to city center of Rabat
Public transportation to city center:
on demand, 16 minutes.
Main stops: Rabat Airport, Rabat
Taxi: 75 minutes drive to city center of Rabat