1 language school in Montanita from 200US$ for a 1 week Spanish course
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Montanita ratings & opinions
How our students rated their experience in Montanita
Overall attractiveness of Montanita
3 authentic ratings from students who reserved a course with us in MontanitaNightlife
Friendliness of locals
Interesing things to do
Geographic setting
Public transport
What our students said about Montanita
Constant bad weather, city full of mud, not nice to look at. Would not go there anymore.
4.0Hollenstein Switzerland
Information about Montanita
Why Montanita? Montañita is a village on the west coast of Ecuador. It is known for its bohemian vibes and big beaches with strong surf breaks. Once a small hippie beach destination in the 60's it now has a reputation as a surfing hot spot and has been luring tourists and expats to its golden shores for decades now. A true backpackers paradise, this place is jam packed full of lively bars, nightclubs and side-of-the-road makeshift cocktail bars. But drinking is not the only thing on the agenda here, if you are the active type, there's a wide range of activities to choose from including parasailing, diving, yoga, hiking and cycling. Montañita Beach stretches north to "The point", a rocky mountain where the peak offers some incredible views of the ocean and beaches. These mountains can be explored on bike or horseback, as well as on foot and if your lucky you might catch a glimpse of some wildlife such as exotic birds and turtles.
Didn't find what you are looking for?
Interested in language travel to other cities? Have a look at Spanish language schools in other cities in Ecuador such as Ahuano, Amazon Jungle, Cotacachi, Cuenca, Galapagos Islands ...
, Manta, Otavalo, Quito or see our list of all schools in Ecuador. You may also want to consult options outside Ecuador for learning Spanish.
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Language School Destinations
In Ecuador
- Ahuano (1)
- Amazon Jungle (2)
- Cotacachi (1)
- Cuenca (1)
- Galapagos Islands (3)
- Manta (1)
- Montanita (1)
- Otavalo (2)
- Quito (8)