1 language school in Yangshuo from 1995CNY for a 1 week Chinese course
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Information about Yangshuo
Why Yangshuo? The small city of Yangshuo is surrounded by huge mountains, winding rivers and beautiful scenery. It is very different from most typical Chinese towns since it is relatively air and noise pollution free, very clean and does not usually suffer from traffic chaos. Instead, it is home to some wonderful restaurants and shops, an unlimited number of hotels and hostels, and is fairly developed by mainland Chinese standards.
Didn't find what you are looking for?
Interested in a specific type of course? See our reviews of Chinese courses & camps for teenager and children in Yangshuo or other 6 different Chinese course types in Yangshuo.
Interested in language travel to other cities? Have a look at Chinese language schools in other cities in China such as Beihai, Beijing, Chengde, Chengdu, Chongqing ...
, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xi an or see our list of all schools in China. You may also want to consult options outside China for learning Chinese.
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