3 language schools in Kerry from 333€ for a 1 week English course
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Kerry ratings & opinions
What our students said about Kerry
We were in Killarney and it's a place very quiet and with many outdoor activities to do
4.0Sofia Spain
What language school directors said about Kerry
Kerry is one of the most visited places in Ireland because of its beautiful natural scenery and friendly people.
Feargal CourtneyDirector of Killarney School of English, lives in Kerry since 2000
Information about Kerry
Why Kerry? When you imagine Ireland and its landscape you are probably imagining the rolling green hills and rugged coast of County Kerry. This south-west region of Ireland is famous world-wide and it is here that you'll find some of the country's most iconic scenery and where the Gaelic language is still spoken in parts. Think surf-pounded sea cliffs and wide golden beaches, lush-green fields only intersected by stone walls, countryside as far as the eye can see dotted with churches and castles and mist-shrouded bogs and cloud-torn mountain peaks. There's only one way to describe this part of Ireland and thats drop-dead gorgeous! It doesn’t get much more quintessentially Irish than this.
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Interested in language travel to other cities? Have a look at English language schools in other cities in Ireland such as Bray, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Drogheda ...
, Dublin, Galway, Kildare, Kilkenny, Limerick, Mayo, Sligo, Waterford or see our list of all schools in Ireland. You may also want to consult options outside Ireland for learning English.
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